Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"God's Anointing"

"What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that Thou visitest him? (Psalms 8:4) Really; what is man, that God would be mindful of us? Do you ever wonder what God wants from your life, or how God is willing to use you? There are two ways to view this passage of Scripture; one is from man's point of view, the other is from God's. From our point of view, we wait with anticipation for God to do something spectacular in our lives; thinking, God how can I be of service to you? From God's point of view; well, let's just say, His is all about love, and His desire to get us close to His heart! There are other things about this Scripture that we will be looking at, and other views, which take on whole new meanings; but for now, let's focus on the man; who is it that God is mindful of? I am amazed by the way God has established the earth; and in reading the account of creation, we find several different roles that God specifically appointed unto man. The first of which was to have dominion over the earth; which means that man was to rule over those things which God had placed upon the earth, and he was to have power over them. Okay; not such a big deal, you might be saying; because man is far superior than the animals anyways; right? Yes, but God's purpose for man was to rule over these lower creatures; not to just be more superior, but to have power over them; and in so doing, there was an example of submission being lived out in this arrangement. Secondly; God had man to name all of the animals, and to all other living things; a task for which knowledge of that thing being named was acquired. In other words; the task of giving a name to something involved a study of it, in order to name it based upon it's characteristic. What's the point? Right? Well; God was giving us His nature; His natural ability to create, to know what it was that we are all about, and to have an interest in our lives; these things were being passed upon man, that we might be mindful of our relationship with Him, as our creator, as our Father, and as the One who has dominion over our lives. These attributes did not remain in the garden when Adam and Eve were removed from it; eternal life was left there, but not our familiarity with the God who created us in His image. Yes, there was a separation from God because of sin; but there was no separating Who it was that we were fashioned after! So; what is man, that God is mindful of him? We are His children!!! Created in His image; He made us to be close to Him; just like you want your children to be close to you, God desires us to draw close to Him! Now then; what is it that is required for us to draw close to Him? Likeness!!!! We have the familiarity, now we need His likeness; which is only brought about by the power of Jesus Christ, His Son! It is the blood of Jesus that cleanses us, and makes us as white as snow; purified by the blood of Christ, we are able to approach our Heavenly Father, and be close to Him; which is where He wants us to be! In this, we also look at the second part of this verse, which says, "and the son of man, that Thou visiteth him?"; because this applies to us! Yes, that is right! You and I; descendants of those whom God originally placed in the garden; He has visited us with His Spirit, to draw us close to Him! I don't know about you, but if it was not for the Holy Spirit prompting me, I would still be lost in sin! And with that; I am drawn towards the first question again, asking, "what is man, that Thou art mindful of him?"; in other words, Lord, why have you chosen me? After I admire the handiwork of His creation, considering all that He has made; what could He possibly want with my life? Companionship!!! Companionship is established by experiencing Him, which only comes from knowing Him; Who He is, how much He loves us, what He wants for our lives, and He provides for us to get there; all these things and more, are what He is mindful of towards us. It was His desire for us that caused Him to send His Son to die for us; and as we shall see, it was His love for us that made Jesus obedient to the cross; in that Jesus loved the Father so much, He was obedient to do the Father's will...

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