Friday, March 9, 2012

"The Second Bump"

"Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it; yea, let him tread down my life upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. Selah." (Psalms 7:5) Just in case you did not know, Gath was the city that Goliath came from; FYI. Anyways; let's get hold of this verse; shall we? How innocent are you of offending another? Are you innocent enough to say this? Because, that is what David is saying here! David never would have come against Saul; he had several chances to take him out, and did not; and if he would have been allowed to fight within the ranks of the Philistines, then he would have delivered them into Saul's hand. If only we could have this attitude when it comes to division and contention towards each other! However; in reality, this is in fact the truth! The problem is, that we just do not realize that it is so! This is what happens to our spiritual life when we harbor unforgiveness in our hearts; the enemy has his way in us! Oh, we may not realize what is happening; nor, will we acknowledge in our hearts that it is so; not until we take the time to evaluate our hearts, and to seek God's guidance within this specific area of our lives. For example: if we have an issue against a certain brother or sister, no matter who is at fault, we must strive to make amens with them! It should be something that is set at the forefront of our minds; knowing that it gives the enemy a foothold in our lives, whenever we have an issue with another brother or sister in Christ. But what about the hurt, you might be asking? It is but a flesh wound! Greater is the elimination of a limb, than a little scratch upon our arm! Besides; the healing that takes place when we surrender everything to Christ, is far greater than enough to heal our little scratches; just look at the relationship between Paul and Mark...

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