Sunday, March 18, 2012

"The Briar Patch" -2

Now then; as to the issue of forgiveness; I bet you wondered if I was done with that topic and had moved on to something better and more pleasant, like repentance. I wonder what riches and material things can do in our hearts, as we guard them from being taken or used by others? Not such a big deal, is what some might say; however, we sometimes overlook the power that we give these things over our lives. What do they say the number one cause of divorce is; is it not finances? And the number one cause of disputes among friends; is it not things of possession? The word which I am speaking about is "persecutors", which was the second part of Psalm 7:13, whereby David says, "He ordaineth His arrows against the persecutors". A rather complex word, yet given that it has at the root of it's meaning 'to burn', or to hotly pursue, it takes on the characteristics of flames; burning desire that is set towards something. Back in Mark 10:30, Jesus is speaking about something rather significant that we gain as His followers; and He places the word "hundredfold" in the description of these gains; which be, houses, brethren, sisters, mothers, children, lands, and least we forget, persecutions! Yes, we shall inherit eternal life, and the comforts that come with fellowship with one another, and the peace that is bestowed upon us by the gift of the Holy Spirit; but we shall also receive persecution in these times; it is to be expected. With that, we must not worry or take thought over the things of this world; all of which shall pass away. Therefore; disputes that are generated out of riches and material things should not be a part of who we are in Christ, because greater riches then these are granted to us, that far exceed that which the world has to offer. In this, we are to be content; yet, where is the contentment in anger towards one another? When we are talking about turning towards God, we are talking about turning towards holiness; when we are talking about turning towards holiness, we are to shed all that is unholy! The physical things are easy to detect: things such as fornication, stealing, lying, and even coveting; but anger and holding unforgiveness towards others are things that we frequently over look; much the same as putting other gods before God, for we do not realize what we are doing until we are confronted in such matters; much the same as the 'Rich Young Ruler'. "He hath also prepared for him instruments of death", which is what the Rich Young Ruler contemplated, as he walked away, saddened by the words of Jesus; coming to find the way to inherit eternal life, he walked away, faced with the possibility of eternal damnation and death. The "persecutors" are those that destroy love and friendships, much like a fire destroys all that is in it's path. And just like the rebellion in the hearts of those that died in the wilderness, a heart that is motivated by hurt will not repent, because it feels that it is owed something to it for that hurt; as though, only the hurt of the other will satisfy the hurt that they feel. But really, if you think about what we have been given in comparison to what we might have suffered, we should have no reason to hold anything against anyone; none whatsoever!

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