Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"God's Handiwork"

"When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained;" (Psalms 8:3) You know, you really do not need to go out under the stars at night to see God's handiwork; you can just meditate upon it, and be brought right into it! It is amazing to me how God can open up our minds to His splendor; if we just take the time to be with Him. I was going to do this verse and the next one together, but after looking at all the nuggets in this verse, I decided I would work on this one first. You must realize something very important about this verse: David had a lot of experience gazing up into the heavens; as a young man, he most likely spent most of his time worshiping God, out under the stars at night, and early in the mornings. Secondly, I can only imagine how much David played out in his mind the creative workings of God; as he would demonstrate God's hand, index finger extended, speaking stars into existence. And yet, for whom did God make the heavens? For who's benefit did God place the heavens above? When we look at the meaning to the word "ordained", we find some pretty interesting things that establish God's intent. The word is 'kuwn', and it primarily means to be firm, be stable, be established; to confirm; to direct. To put this in a way that makes better sense, we could look at what God has placed in the heavens as His way of saying "I AM HERE"; in other words, He makes Himself known to us in His creations! There is absolutely no denying that there is a Creator, once you really start considering the handiwork of all that He has made. Scientists may try and avoid their hearts reaction to discoveries of new frontiers, but there is no denying that something grand and wise has put things in motion! If we take a moment and think about what David is saying here; he is expressing God's pleasure in creating something which will be gazed upon by His children; in other words, God's finger is pointing things into existence, and saying, This ones for you, and for you, and for that one, and the ones to come; and oh ya, least I forget, those wise ones will love this! It is God's direction towards His creation for a certain purpose; for something to be gazed upon by generations of His children, that can wonder with awe, What was He thinking when He made that one? or that one? or that one over there? Was He thinking of me? Did He see me gazing up there and asking these questions? Is He smiling now, as I wonder upon His marvelous works? Is this part of what fellowship with God is all about? I believe that it is!!! Especially when we consider His Son; how He sent Him to die for us; Him who had a hand in all this creation, came to die for that which He created! He shows us His awesome handiwork in all of His splendor; yet, He shows us His love by sending His Son; ordained from the beginning of time, The Lamb of God! And yet, as we look to the Book of Revelation, it is The Lamb of God which is the only one worthy to open the Book; for He alone is worthy, having bought this world with His life; and having redeemed it with His sacrifice, He is also worthy to judge it, and judge it He shall! Are you ready to be judged? Pray that you are...

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