Thursday, March 29, 2012

"God's Ordained"

"What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? and the Son of man, that Thou visiteth Him?" (Psalms 8:4) Not that we need to revisit this verse again, but that it has a double meaning; for God's purpose in this verse involves mankind on two different levels: one of which we have already discussed, the other involving His Son, whom it is that has visited us! We saw what it was that God needed to do for man, in that He needed to draw man close to His heart; yet, in this, we shall see what He needed to do for His Son!!! But you might say, Now wait a minute, I thought it was about what He did to His Son on our behalf; do you mean that Jesus was also the benefactor in the Father's plan? OH YES INDEED!!! First of all; Jesus Christ came not just to die for and to save us from our sins, but to purchase us unto Himself in the process! You see, that is something that many fail to understand; in that, His death upon the cross was only part of the equation; because, it did not end there on the cross!!! The word "visiteth" is a word that speaks of more than visiting; although, that word in and of itself means came and went, as in to pay a visit; whereby, He did not just come to die, but He came and left again! What that word also means is to be appointed over, or to be made overseer, or ruler over; in other words, He did not just die for those that would believe to be saved, but He paid the price for all of mankind, including those that would deny Him! Now why do you think that should be? For those that believe upon Him, this may not matter all that much, that is until the day of the Lamb takes possession of the Book of the Seven Seals (Revelation 6:10); but to those that do not, this goes back to the second verse, and that of "ordaining strength over His enemies". In other words; the judgement of them would also involve the Gift of God for which they rejected; they would be judged not just by the law, but also by the mercy which was offered to them; that by which they could have been taken out from under the judgement of the law, will also condemn them: it is a doubled edge sword! And if you are familiar with the way a doubled edge sword works, then you know that it cuts both ways! The writer of Hebrews, who quotes this Psalm in chapter two of Hebrews, says in verse two, "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation", which has several different meanings, for both the saved and the unsaved; but for the sake of this text, we shall say that it means, there is no escape from judgement; because, what the law could not accomplish in condemning those who could not keep it anyways, the very act of God's salvation being offered, does!!! In this, Jesus was made both deliverer and the executioner, all wrapped up in one; not by Him condemning those that would reject Him, because they were condemned already; but that rejecting what He did for them, those that reject such an act, are condemned again by their rejection of God's Love. Therefore; upon the day of their judgement, they shall be judged by Two who sit upon the throne, the Father and the Son: "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2)

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