Monday, January 16, 2012

"The Climax"

"Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and ye perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled just a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him." (Psalms 2:12) As with many of the Psalms, the punch of this Psalm is given in the final verse; which is that we can love Him and be blessed, or we can perish if we don't!!! The "kiss" that is spoken of here is a sign of fastening onto, as in aliening with the Son; much as would be the case of one who surrenders his life completely to His will. This is what was brought forth in the third time Jesus asked Peter, "Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me?" by Him asking Peter in the simplest terms, "Are you now my friend?" To some this might not seem like to was much of a question, but it involves that of coming along side; as to say, "Simon Peter, now that you know what it is that I have come to do, are you now willing to be a part with Me in this work?" So too, the meaning that is put forth within the statement "Kiss the Son" is to show signs of affection in love, which lead us to like passions that are based upon a friendship, or a willingness to befriend Him. Thus the meaning of "from the way" takes on the property of consistency; in which there is the object of conformity to Him, that is based upon our friendship, and that does not consider circumstance, but is firmly based upon the personhood of Jesus Christ. What it speaks of is going the distance; all the way to the end of the journey; regardless of what this life has to offer us, or in all that is taken away!!! It's a lot like marriage was meant to be, whereby there is more than just a companionship, but a commitment that we will love, defend, care for, and do everything within our power to hold onto that person, until death do us part; and if there is something that I have become weak in, then, God help me to continue on!!! This kind of a commitment is something that is very important to our relationship with Jesus Christ, and with each other; after all, life does not always bring us flowers in the morning, but can sometimes punch us pretty hard, especially when we are not paying attention! But the proper commitment, based upon love and friendship, never asks, What have I gotten myself into? because we know the suffering of Him; Him being not just our friend, but He is also our Master. Knowing this, then we must also consider what He has said, "That the servant is not greater than the Master"; therefore, we can expect to have suffering, because He suffered. The world hated Him, and it will hate us also!!! Which is precisely why the Psalm concludes with, "Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him", because He has prevailed, and because He is the God that will make all things new!!! OMG!!! Don't you see that He has called you??? And if He has called you, then you are His! And if you are His, then He has called you friend!!! And if He has called you friend, then He is loving you unconditionally!!! So then, What is your worry??? DO YOU LOVE HIM??? Then be His friend...

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