Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"God's Anointed"

"I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto Me, Thou art My Son; this day have I begotten Thee." (Psalms 2:7) To get the best picture of what is meant by "begotten Thee", we could imagine the resurrection of Lazarus, and Jesus saying, "Lazarus; come forth". If you know the story, then you know that he had been dead for over four days, and, like his sister said, "He is stinky by now; you should have come sooner". Another example of this meaning can be seen in the words of Nebuchadnezzar, as he hearkened unto Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they were walking around in the fire, he said, "Ye servants of the most high God, come forth, and come hither". Although the proclamation is "this day have I begotten Thee", the day speaks only of the actual bringing forth; but the bringing forth was planned out way in advance. Such was the case in the two examples given; both were proclamations which were carried out based upon a series of events, which lead up to the bringing forth. In the case of Jesus, His was one that was based upon His eternal existence, and the fact that He always was the Son; the begotten part was one of manifesting Him to the world. God has a way of using every little thing that happens both here and in heaven for His glory; even those things which might seem contrary to His will, He will use them to complete His perfect plan. Jesus illustrated this in the case of Lazarus, as He set out to go to him when He was told that he was sick; and then through a series of distractions, did not arrive until four days after he had died. Yet, when confronted by one of his disciples during one of those distractions, saying, Lord, shouldn't we be going to Lazuras, seeing that he is very sick; Jesus simply replied, Lazuras is dead. All of which was done that God would be glorified in Lazuras coming forth from that tomb, bound on burial cloth, yet free from stink. Much the same as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came forth from the fire without even the smell of smoke upon them. The point being, that the manifestation was well planned out in advance; regardless of the circumstances which lead up to the bringing forth. Looking at my own life, and seeing the paths that I had taken prior to the day that received Christ into my heart, I can see God's hand was upon my life, leading up until that day. All the distractions, and the paths that I veered off to; each of which took me up to that day when there was a calling forth. And when I came forth, the stench of the world was removed from my life, just as if it never really happened!!!

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