Saturday, January 14, 2012


"Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth." (Psalms 2:10) You can consider this a word to the wise! Actually, this is an answer to verse two and three, which says, "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and His Anointed, saying, Let us break Their bands asunder, and cast away Their cords from us". Which is why He that sits in heaven laughs, because it is useless to come against Him, or to try and change that which has been established. It is the words "set themselves" in which the Lord is answering here, because they stand in judgement and in authority as if they were placed there in their own strength; when it is God that has ordained them to be in the place that they have been seated. Think about this for just a moment: how is it that King Hezekiah's life and death shows that God's plan is unstoppable? Here you have a good king, who tried to serve God and rule as a man of God, and after being told that he was going to die, he weeps, asking God to spare his life. So, God answers his request, adding fifteen years onto his life, of which is produced his son Manasseh, who was twelve years old when he began to rein, after his father died. There are some who believe that Manasseh actually began to rein when Hezekiah received his new lease on life; I do not believe that this was so, because both accounts in the Bible say that he died, and then Manasseh began to rein in his stead. Besides that, even though Hezekiah had made some mistakes during his extended years, allowing his son to wreck what he had established would not be permitted. The reason that this is important to be corrected is that Manasseh is listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. This is not the only example that we can make regarding the establishment of God's decree, but it is one that raises questions about the order of God's plans. Therefore; any king, or ruler, or president, that thinks that they have sit themselves where they currently are, should think again, because God is ultimately in control, and His Will will be done regardless of what man's plans might be; or what mistakes and poor judgements man might make. Which brings me to another example, which is that of David; the man that sinned against the Lord by his taking of Bathsheba. It was one thing to sin by sleeping with another man's wife, but to then plot and kill that man to try and cover his getting her pregnant, that was way over the top for a man of God. The child which they had conceived in adultery died, but the child that they conceived in marriage lived, and his name was Solomon; who is also listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. You can call that, Kicking the Devil in the face; or, how about bruising his head with the heel of Christ!!! (Genesis 3:15)

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