Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"The Blessed"

"Salvation belongeth unto the LORD: Thy blessing is upon Thy people. Selah. (Psalms 3:8) And here we go! The punch; as with many of the Psalms, the last verse is the punchline. This is the bottom line of what David saw taking place through the horrific trial; a trial that began in a revolt and in the disgracing of a king, has now brought blessing upon the people. How so, you might be wondering? Understand what has taken place here, and the power of God's salvation; because His salvation which was demonstrated towards David through this trial, was passed to the people; at least to all that would receive it! To see what I am getting at, we should understand that what was demonstrated in this trial was God's forgiveness upon David for his sin. Yes, there was consequence for the sin, and David did suffer humiliation and the loss of his son; but after all was said and done, David was not only still the King, but was a living testimony of the mercy of God. And, as I said before, David became a better king unto the people through this trial; one who not only experienced how God sustains through the fire, but also one that could minister to the people as an example of such. I cannot count the number of people that have said to me over the years, how much of a testimony that I am to them in the way that I care for my wife. Some have even said that their marriage was saved because of the testimony that I showed of what commitment in marriage actually means. Although I did not think what I was doing was such a big deal; because all that I am doing is what I promised her that I would do: For better or worse; in sickness and in health; so help me God! That was not just a promise; that was a contract that was established between her, me and God! It was a covenant that was made with my God and with my wife; that no matter what would happen between us, or to us, the only way to be released from that contract was death. That is what is meant by, To have and to hold, till death do us part! Jesus Christ is referred to as The Author and The Finisher of our faith, because of that which He endured and accomplished; being shamed, put to death upon a cross, and brought back to life as the victorious LORD of all, He demonstrated the power of Salvation; a salvation that began with Him; Him, being the first to be resurrected from the dead; just as He said that He would! David knew that God was with him, and the only reason that he fled was for the sake of his son. It was within his power to overtake the opposition right out of the gate; yet he cared more for his son than he did for his own welfare. And after his son was killed, he went and hid, and morned for him; only to show himself unto the people after being scolded by his General that he should show himself to the people, or they would get the wrong impression about who actually won the battle. Jesus too had to show Himself unto thousands, before ascending up into heaven; showing how He was the Victor: The King of kings, and LORD of Lords! I could have let my wife go, as many had instructed me to do; yet that was not what I had promised her I would do; because, Where there is Life, There is Hope!!!

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