Saturday, January 28, 2012

"An Invitation To God..."

"Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer." (Psalms 4:1) If this Psalm was written in our Bibles as if it were set to music, then the beginning of this verse would be set to a high tempo, as for to shout it out: "Hear me when I call!!!" There are some that believe that this Psalm was also written while David had fled from Absalom, but more likely towards the end of that adventure. The word "call" is actually meant as to cry out; which within the context of what David is asking for, it would be meant as crying out to God and inviting Him into our very souls; if you can imagine what that might look like? David was well aware that any righteousness that he had was from God, and that God will not take up residence within any unholy place, for He is pure Holiness. It is David's prayer that God would literally take up residence within him, that they might have a very special fellowship together. I don't know about you, but whenever I wish to get as close as I can to God, I really need to shed some baggage; because what we are talking about here, is to be emptied of all unrighteousness, so that God can fill us completely! The colon after the word "righteousness" means the what of, the therefore, or the because of; it informs the reader that what follows the mark proves, explains, or lists elements of what preceded the mark; therefore, the word "enlarged" has a very significant meaning to what is being said in the opening statement. I don't know if I can explain this properly, and without looking like a fool; but the first thing that we must know about our God, is that He is a Very Big God! With that said; in times when I have been in the deepest, closest, and most intimate fellowship with God during prayer, it feels as though every cell in my body has been enlarged or spaced apart; as if somehow I have been enlarged to receive God into my very soul. The word that is used means to make room, to be or grow large; make roomy or to be widened. Add to this the word "distress", which makes you think of trouble or hard times, but in the context of what I am talking about, it also means tight, or narrow; or like a stone, being compact and hard. It is as if David is asking God to fill him completely so as to be completely taken over by God in the delivery of his sermon; much like any preacher might ask, 'Lord, let Your words be spoken, not mine', before they deliver their message; but this is done with a little more passion and urgency. However; having said all that, let me now turn this around to a altogether different meaning; that being for David to be asking God, in a subtle way, to speak through him in a way that his words are accepted as God's words. In other words; that he would be considered as the spokesman for God as he delivers God's message to His people. Therefore, the meaning of "enlarged" is more of to open the mouth wide, or to be made large before the people, that they would receive the words which are being spoken, as being spoken by God. In this case, "distress" would take on the meaning of affliction, as to be lessened in the eyes of the people. If you have the words "when I was" written in italics, then you should know that this is something which may have been added by the translators, and if so, then the meaning is different. The way that it reads without these words, would be more like, "Thou hast enlarged me in distress", which speaks about more present tense, and of something that is more of an everyday occurrence, rather than the distress of a trial or affliction. Either way, or however you might look at it, David is asking God to show up!!!

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