Thursday, December 22, 2011

"The Giver"

As we approach the day in which we celebrate the birth of our Lord, I am thinking that it is fitting to share on the Giver of Life. There was something which Adam tried to make a point about, which is easy for someone to make a point on; as if to say that Jesus, being the gift that was given, was not really the Giver of Life, because it was the Father that gave Him to the world. Yes, it is true that the Father has given us His Son; which is made abundantly clear by the verse that we all know which proclaims this truth: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whomsoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." It is not hard to make the point about the Father being the giver of the Son, based upon the verse that we all know as John 3:16. However, the very next verse goes on to say further that, "For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved." First off, I would like to remind anyone who may not know, who it is that is speaking these words, and to whom He is speaking; because Jesus Himself is speaking to a leader of the Jews, who was a man named Nicodemus. The reason that this is so important, is because of the message that Jesus is speaking about to a teacher of the Law; someone who not only taught the Law, but taught it to Pharisees, and oversaw the application that they gave to the Law. Therefore, it should not seem unusual for Jesus to be giving glory to the Father, being the Son, because of where the Father is, verses where He is at the time that He is speaking. And yet, in the process of making this declaration, He, being the Son, proclaims that the world "through Him", the Son, might be saved. If we skip ahead to chapter 17, which Adam made an unlikely reference to, we can see in verse five that Jesus, speaking to the Father, says, "And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was". The general premise of what Jesus is saying, is that He left the place where He was in glory, to come and take His place here in the form of a man, that He might do the work of the Father. Again, this is really not that hard to understand; that is, if we are willing to accept who Jesus was and is! That was the simple message that was portrayed in 'Toy Maker and Son'; because they illustrated so plainly how that the Two were together as the Toy Makers, prior to the Son becoming a toy, that He might save the toys that They had made, from their doom. So yes, the Father had given the Son, but the Son gave of Himself, being found worthy of all praise and honour, in so doing, and receiving glory in what He had done. You probably should have been there to see what I am talking about, because seeing it played out before you in such a simple way, really makes the point. And as they portrayed the look in the Father's eyes, as He looked upon what was done to His Son; wow, powerful stuff!!! But then, to see the look given to the Father by the Son, as the Son asked the Father, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do"; such humility coming from the Giver of Life...

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