Saturday, December 3, 2011

"Yes Indeed, Jesus Is God!"

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1) Yesterday I had the chance to share something that changed my life over thirty years ago, and it had to do with the deity of Jesus Christ. Being raised in a J.W. home for most of my childhood, I was taught that Jesus was not God, but more in line with that of a mighty angel; as a matter of fact, Michael the arch angel, as strange as that might sound. The day that I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart, a Four Square Church group came to the facility that I was at, to do the Sunday Service in a faculty cafeteria. I had no intention on going to church that day, or any other; having been sickened by religion and the institutions that have sprung from it, I had my Bible and felt that was all that I needed. There must not have been much of a turnout that morning, because ten minutes before the service was to begin, the Chaplin made an announcement over the loudspeaker, asking for some men to come down. I will never forget that voice, as he was very old, and it sounded as if it was his last request, as he said, We have a great group here today that has come to share with you; so please come down. And so I went. The preacher was a middle aged black man, slender, and slightly greying; an average looking man, who did not appear to be all that spiritual; at least not at first. I do not remember how his sermon started, or even what verses he had opened up the service with; what I do remember was his watch, as he took it off, explaining in the simplest terms, as he held it up for all to see, saying, Do you see this watch? this watch tells me that somewhere out there, there is a watchmaker; and you, and me, and all that we see, tells me that there is a Creator; and I am here today, to tell you that, that Creator is Jesus Christ! At which time he preceded to read from several different Scriptures that all declared Jesus as the Creator of all things. Then, as a master surgeon, that preacher used his scalpel to carve away at my stony heart; declaring Jesus, the Creator of the universe, placing Himself upon a cross to die for me. Up to that day, I had thought that Jesus was created by God to be a sacrifice for our sins; much the same as God had created everything else, He created an entity to be a ransom for our sin. My heart was broken into a thousand pieces, as I pictured Jesus on the cross; and for the very first time, I saw Him as the Creator. "God will prepare Himself a sacrifice for us", took on a whole new meaning! And then yesterday, as I was asked, Why would God need to come Himself to die on the cross? I was taken back to that day, remembering what I saw, and how that God alone is Holy and without sin. There was no other way for God to provide a perfect sacrifice, then to provide Himself, for He alone is without sin... "For He hath made Him to be sin for us, Who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." (2 Corinthians 5:21)

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Rich Norrup

    Firstly, I am not a J.W.!
    Secondly, praise GOD Almighty for the wonderful gift of His Son,
    Jesus Christ our Lord;
    and the great sacrifice that was made for our sins.

    However, his death on the cross actually proves that Jesus the Messiah our Lord,
    is not Almighty GOD, is not the Creator!
    Why? Because GOD our Creator CANNOT DIE!
    (Much less be slaughtered!)
    He alone possesses immortality ... it is His to give!
    [1 Timothy 6.16]

    Whilst in contrast, Jesus was dead.
    [Rev 1.18]
    The ONE GOD, the Father
    [1 Cor. 8.4,6];
    the only true GOD
    [John 17.3];
    raised Jesus from the dead,
    glorified and immortalized him,
    made him both Lord & Christ,
    and set him at His right hand.

    Hence the man Christ Jesus,
    is the first that should rise from the dead
    [Acts 26.23];
    the firstborn from the dead
    [Col 1.18].

    Jesus himself, not only acknowledged his Father
    as the only true GOD
    [John 17.3];
    but also acknowledged his Father as the sole Creator.
    [Mark 10.6; 13.19;
    Matt. 19.4 he that made them;
    also compare Matt. 11.25, Luke 10.21
    with Acts 17.24.
    Same Creator!]
    As our Lord and Master, we ought to listen to Jesus.

    Even Mark 12.28-34 shows that Jesus could not have been a trinitarian nor considered himself the ONE GOD of Israel.
    Note the scribe's response:
    (Mark 12:32) And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he:

    Obviously then, neither Jesus nor the scribe were trinitarian! Nor did the scribe consider that the one before him was his Creator.
    Yet Jesus commended the scribe!

    Therefore, Rich Norrup,
    I recommend this video:
    The Human Jesus

    Take a couple of hours to watch it; and prayerfully it will aid you in your quest for truth.

    This video also addresses John 1.1, 8.58; etc.

    Yours In Messiah
    Adam Pastor

    Is Jesus the "I AM?"

    Did Jesus really claim to be God in John 8:58? Or is your translation misleading you?

    How does Christ’s Sacrifice Work to Remove Sin?
