Monday, December 12, 2011

"The Only Wise God" -2

Alrighty then; let's not forget the fact that Jude has referred to our Saviour as God, let alone "the only wise God; but I am sure that you have some reason that this is the case; Right? I know that what I am about to say might cause some out there to take offense, but none the less, it must be said. Jude knew a thing or two about how the enemy of our Lord likes to work. First off, you must realize why it is so important that Jesus was not just God's Son, but was in fact, God manifested in the flesh! The primary reason was that man had already been defeated by the enemy, which was the result of the first Adam; by whom, mankind was separated from God in a chain reaction from birth. It was only possible to break that chain by the birth of Jesus being born without the seed of man, but instead, by the seed of God. This was not just an ordinary child that was born to a virgin, but was in fact the very Son of God. I am sure that we can agree on that, Right? I hope you said yes, and now we can move on to the next point? And because He had no earthly father, two very important things were set in motion by His birth: one was that the curse which was passed down from the seed of Adam had been broken; and the second, was that God had been manifested in the form of a man. That is where I might have lost you, but just in case you are still with me on this, my next question would be, How many Gods are there? For if Jesus was born God in the flesh, then how is God one, if it were not for the fact that God is more than one? Now, take the word 'Only' into this debate, and what you have now is a stand alone picture of God, because we know that the Father and Jesus can not both be 'Only' if they were not One! And now we come to the part of offense; for the reason that this is too hard for the average person to accept, is because, for one, our human minds cannot consider such a complex relationship, without the enabling of the Holy Spirit. And it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that this truth can be revealed in us, and is kept in us, by Him who dwells within us; that being the very Spirit of the Living God; of which He is also God. Therefore, those that do not see the Truth, do not possess the Holy Spirit within them! I am sorry if that offends you, but it is the truth!!! But sadly, there is another spirit which I believe has captured your soul; and this one is no gentleman! He is no doubt the spirit of the Antichrist, and he is not nice, nor does he play nice, because he is the enemy of Jesus Christ our Lord. Jude, who no doubt was also numbered among the physical brothers of Jesus Christ, as he starts his letter with this identity, "Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and the brother of James"; addresses the danger in how the Antichrist works, and the importance of our need to contend for the faith. This he does in his second paragraph, which we show as verses 3 & 4: "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ". This is not just some doctrinal differences that Jude is speaking of, but malice, with the intent to maim!!!

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