Friday, December 2, 2011

"Alive Unto God"

"For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God." (Galatians 2:19) It's not really a matter of the law being our enemy, or even an opposition to our life in Christ; it's that the law provides us the dependency upon God's grace and mercy; hence, the desperate need for the salvation that is only available through Jesus Christ. In a manner of speaking, Paul is making a point about the law being the preceptor to salvation; the schoolmaster that leads us to Christ. To put it another way, might be to say that the law shows us what we cannot be, or our lack of ability to fulfill the righteousness of God; making us dead, as to have no more dependence upon mere legal righteousness for justification and salvation than a dead man would have; it no longer matters! However; to be alive unto God, that in and of itself is a whole other issue, because what Paul is speaking of now constitutes a manner of living. To live unto God, means to be devoted to Him, to live conformably to the will, purpose, precepts, and example of God. Other examples of this can be found in Luke 20:38, where Jesus is speaking of the resurrection of the dead, and Romans 6:9-11, where Paul compares the resurrection of Jesus unto God the Father, to our life in God. In Luke 6:27-40, Jesus was approached by 'The Sad Guys', who wanted to test Him on the resurrection, saying that seven brothers who had all died trying to raise up seed by one woman, who also then died, yet, who's wife would she be in the resurrection? To which, Jesus turned their question around to show them, that did not believe in the resurrection, how that there is no other way to be drawn unto God other than the resurrection from the dead, dead meaning of this world. And, Jesus goes on to say in verse 38, "For He is not God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto Him". Meaning, that those that are counted worthy of obtaining life after death, are living unto God in a manner that specifies that they have their life in Him. Which is the same thing that Paul approaches in Romans 6:9- 11, where he shows Jesus being raised from the dead, to die no more, making death no longer an issue; and then showing how the death He died for sin, put sin to death, in that His resurrection left sin in the grave, along with death. And in verse eleven, Paul makes our comparison to this, by saying, "Likewise, reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord." The key is in our approach!!!

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