Thursday, December 29, 2011

"His Fullness" -2

"And He is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence." (Colossians 1:18) Two things are being made perfectly clear by this passage of Scripture; the first is speaking of Christ Jesus as the head of the church; the second has to do with Him as the beginning of all things, including the glorious Resurrection. When it comes to the church, spoken of as His bride, there is a mystery that will be revealed when we are in heaven concerning the church and what makes up the Bride of Christ. With that said, there is something to be said about His Fullness when it comes to His bride, and when we consider the union of man and wife. One of the definitions of 'fullness' is the word 'completeness'; which from the beginning of the creation of man and woman, represented what took place when they were joined together as one: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh". (Genesis 2:24) I know that I have shared on this before, but I think it fits into this discussion quite nicely; something that the Lord revealed to me about a year and a half ago, which shows the Gospel message within the story of Adam and Eve. Without getting to deep into this discussion, let me start by saying that I believe God's plan of redemption is illustrated in the creation of the woman; in that, God took from Adam a rib to make Eve, when He could have just made another mud pie from the dirt and breathed life into it. But instead, He took a rib from Adam, making the union of the man and woman a completed joining together of that which was separated. In like fashion, man was separated from God because of sin, much the same as the rib was taken from Adam to create the woman, there was a separation that took place, and the only way for there to be a union again was for the two to become one in marriage. The woman, Eve, is a representation of the church, in that she was the product of something separated from the man, Adam, who is the representation of Christ Jesus, who is God, and is the first of the Resurrection. The two shall be joined together, making both that which was separated and that which is God, One; therefore, there shall be a completeness in heaven as the Lamb and the Bride are made One... (It goes something like that; long story short...)

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