Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"The True Light" -3

Now, regarding this Light that John is speaking of in the first eighteen verses of his Gospel; as I have mentioned before, it is believed by some that John had wrote his Gospel starting around verse nineteen, and then placed an introduction at the beginning within the first eighteen verses. John's Gospel is the only one which begins with the story of Jesus Christ, not from the time He appeared on earth, but before there was any beginning whatsoever. If you really want some proof the Jesus Christ is God, and if you believe that the writings of John are correct, then there is no greater proof that can be given than in these first eighteen verses of the Book of John. In verse seven, John speaking of John the Baptist, writes, "The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe". The reason that this is so important to the defence of who Jesus was, is because of what the Light represents, and that within the context of this verse the 'Light' is God! John would later write in his epistles that "God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all"; a clearer definition of what the Light represents. If we look to the description of the very beginning of God's creation given in Genesis 1:1-4, we can see that the Light was the first existence of God, in that He said, "Let there be Light, and there was Light". The very first verse of the Bible is the summary of God's creation, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth", and then the following verses describe His process of that creation. To put this in a little better perspective, we could imagine that before anything else was formed there was Light; after which, God created the firmaments to divide the Light, thus creating the heavens and the earth. As we look to the description of what shall be in the 'new heaven and the new earth', which is given in Revelation 21:23, that there was no longer any need for a sun to give light, for God is the Light, which says, "and the Lamb is the Light thereof". John the Baptist described Jesus as "the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world"; thus, bearing witness of "the Light". It really does not get any clearer than this!

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