Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Yes!!! Dialog!!!"

Finally, after almost two years, I finally have some dialog with this blog. Don't get me wrong, I have had some privately between me and friends, but Adam, you have given me a great chance to dive deep. As I have said before, this subject of whether or not Jesus is, was, and always will be God, is very important to me. I do not mind referring to Jesus as the Son of God, nor did He mind using that name for Himself; as a matter of fact, He refereed to Himself more as "the Son of man", being that He was the Messiah. Being in the form of flesh, Jesus was subject to the same things that we as men are subject to, including death; the difference being, that Jesus has raised up from the dead! In John 2:19 Jesus gives an example of the power given to Him over death, even that of His own death. After having cleared the money changers from the temple, the Jews asked Him, "What sign showest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things?" To which Jesus replied, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." This He said referring to His body and how He would rise from the dead in three days, after He had been crucified. Now then, my dear friend Adam; the Gospels are given to us in four Books, all of which do not lie, nor do they not alien themselves which each other; although, many have tried to prove that there are contradictions between some of their writings. Mark and John are probably the two that get the most attention, because John focuses on the deity of Jesus Christ, showing Him as God; while Mark gives us more of the human side of who Jesus was, relating Him towards man for the benefit of mankind. Just because Jesus was a man, born into this world (by a virgin!!!), does not mean that He had given up all of His Godly properties, nor did His death on the cross void His being He whom He said that He was!!! I am not sure if I have seen the video that you are referring to, but I can assure you of one very important thing: if that video tries to portray Jesus as just a man, and denies that He was God in the flesh, then it is not worth me or anyone else watching!!! Besides that, I have learned something over the last thirty years; something that is important for anyone that wants to stay strong in the truth of God's word: Don't study false teachings!!!! Period!!! At one time I thought it was okay to do this; mostly because I was relating it to the counterfeit money idea, and how you should study what a counterfeit looks like, so that you will know one when you see one. This does not hold true to God's word! We must study the Word of God to know God's Word; then when false teaching are presented to us, we shall know that they are false, and that they should not be listened to. If the video that you are talking about claims that Jesus was not God, then I would recommend you either burn it, or send it back from which it came...he knows who he is...

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