Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Wow, O Wow!"

If you would take a moment and continue to read what Jude says about what shall happen to those that are deceivers of the faith, you might think that he was a little upset over something. He starts out saying, "I would put you in remembrance, though you once knew this,"; as if to say, You should know what I am talking about, and then he goes on to name off all those that have been stricken by God for leading others into into rebellion, believing not in the power of The Almighty God. A word to the wise, Don't mess with God's Word for your own personal gain! "But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit." (Jude 17-19) The word that Jude uses 'sensual', as has it has been translated, is not a word of honor; it is taken from the word 'Psuchikos' which means animal like in nature, and in reference to men, it is to invoke that they are governed by the fallen instinct of man, verses the Spirit of God, in the case Jude is referring to. Yet, before this, Jude says, "they separate themselves", which is a term that involves making their beliefs the only truth, and spouting that their sect or belief is the only real way to eternal life; even though, their belief is based upon false teachings. Does this remind you of any organizations? This is really the reason that so many are caught up into false religions, and that they fear to be cast out; for fear of being taken out of the only way to salvation, they are held there by a doctrine that teaches them not to doubt what they are told. We that are true Believers know better, in that we know to question anything that man says, and measure what we are told by the Word of God. If it does not line up, then we don't accept it; period!!! Which brings me to your third and fourth references; ones which taken by themselves could lead someone to believe what you are saying is true. However, you are forgetting one very important factor in your quest to make a point: Jesus humbled Himself to be a man, that He might redeem mankind unto Himself!!! (A quick point to you that might be stuck on just one of my postings: to get to the main page which lists over 700 of my posts, you can click on Rich and Marianne which is shown within our picture, or you can type Rich and Marianne in most search engines, and the main page will be listed near the top. FYI)

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