Monday, December 5, 2011

"He is I AM"

"Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. Then said the Jews unto Him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus said to them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am." (John 8:56-58) Here is the thing that we must know about Jesus, He is who He said that He was! "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." (Deuteronomy 6:4) It is really not that hard to understand; He was not a god, He was Thee God!!! If the Lord our God is a jealous God, then why would He allow anyone to take His place? Having had many conversations with those that do not believe that Jesus was, is, and always will be God, I have heard every sort of angle to how they bend the Scriptures to defend their belief. Yet, the proof of the whole counsel of God will continue to prove them wrong; which is part of their problem, in that, they do not accept the whole counsel of God, only those parts that agree with what they say; and if they cannot ignore that parts that are undeniable, then it is changed to suit their needs. For example; when the Word of God, spoken of in John 1:1, is shown in the simplest language to be God, and then Jesus is declared to be the Word of God, they change the meaning to be a god; and then they verify this misnomer by stating that Satan is referred to as the god of this world. When in reality, the only reason that he is given such a title is because he is the creator of evil and the father of lies; hence, he is the one who is responsible for this fallen world. Jesus, on the other hand, is of God, of which there is no denying. And because He is of God, then He cannot be classified as a god without changing the description of who God is, because there is only one God. The reason that the Jews were so bent on having Jesus killed was because of who that He said that He was, because He claimed to be God; and the charges of His claim, He did not deny, nor could He. So, either Jesus was a liar, or He was who He said that He was! The main reason that this is such an important issue, is due to the great sacrifice that God would go to, to redeem fallen man; a sacrifice that involved the giving of Himself for our salvation. Do you see the Love that was given in that? Can you see how much God loves us? I think part of the problem that they have, is that they cannot see the Love of God; they see God as the mighty judge of their eternal souls, and then, they see Him providing a Son to be the ransom on a cross (or a stake in their case) for our sins; as if God were a monster that would not only have asked Abraham to kill his son, but had no problem doing the same to His own. There is a definite fear that is present in their hearts and minds when it comes to their approach to God, and it is not a good fear; it is a fear that says, God has already judged me and found me lacking, therefore, my only hope is try and be righteous; then, maybe, just maybe, I will be worthy of inheriting this world, in the last day. This blog today has my heart broken for so many people that I know who are trapped in that belief; as if they can not deny what they have been told, for fear of losing whatever righteousness that they have already gained. This is no joke!!!

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