Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"He is I AM" -3

"And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." (Revelations 22:12 & 13) Again we can see here at the end of God's word, there is another proclamation of who Jesus is, this time it is given in association with His soon return. I do not pretend to be a Bible Scholar, but according to my interpretation of what is being said, Jesus is reassuring us that He is coming back very soon, that He has rewards to give out, and just in case you may have forgotten, He is God! Not a whole lot of mystery in those statements. Still, I am sure that there are those who are not convinced, and some that probably never will be, at least not until judgement day; which will be the day that anyone who did not believe, shall confess that Jesus is LORD! We don't have to go far away from this chapter to find further proof that Jesus is who He said He was; because if we go back to Revelations 21:22-23, we can see what shall be within the Holy City, and the description of God that is given. First of all, I must take us back to what we established several days ago, God is One; He is one God; there is only One God; any way that you want to say it, it must be established. Now, the two very distinct pictures that are given within these two verses, are given to give the reader an illustration of God dwelling with men, and what that will look like. In verse 22, there is the illustration of the temple, which John states, "And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it." This is more important than you might realize, because this temple that is missing, is to be the place of worship to God, much like a place where you would go and worship, a place wherein God dwells. The thing that sets this apart from a normal place to worship is the fact that the place is not present, but instead, God is the temple therein; adding to that, the description of who God is, which is "The Lord God Almighty and The Lamb". And, if that does not quite do it for you, then looking at verse 23, we see the source of Light within the city: "And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the Light thereof." Again, let me remind you how God is One; which in the case of the verse above, we see that the glory of God is what gives light to the city; that glory of God being the Lamb, who is Jesus! I Know that this will not convince my J.W. friends, because they are held onto by a spirit that is greater than them. And until they open up there hearts and let Jesus inside, they will continue to be trapped in the situation of being held captive by the spirit that denies who Jesus really is. It is really not a question of being provided proof, it is a heart condition that must be dealt with; before the brain will accept the truth, the heart must be willing to receive it. That was how it was for me, over thirty years ago. I had no hope or real peace, because I, like many of those that are trapped in bondage, was held by that spirit that continued to keep me from seeing The Lamb of God for who He was and is. A Lamb that was not just given by God, but was God who manifested Himself as a Lamb to be slaughtered for our sins; something that can only be received by the prompting of the Holy Spirit. And, as I was so prompted, I did not shut my heart to the truth, but willingly, opened up my heart and let Jesus come inside. Only then could I see the Truth; and the Truth set me free!!!!

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