Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"He is I AM" -2

"And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." (Exodus 3:14) The AM in the statement of God to Moses is a verb, and it is the Hebrew word 'Hayah, which means to exist, to be; to become, to come to pass; to be done, to happen, to be finished. The key to the meaning of Jehovah/Yahweh is undoubtedly found in this verb. Perhaps, "I AM THAT I AM" should be translated "I am He who is", or "I am He who exists". The reason that this presents such an interesting principle to who Jesus is, is because this is a verb; which for a gentle reminder to those of us who have not been in school for several decades, it means that it is an action word; which shows action or state of being. Contrast this to the statements made by Jesus to John in Revelations 1:17 & 18, "Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death." Three times in the first chapter of Revelations, Jesus declares Himself as "The Alpha and Omega"; "The Beginning and the End"; "The First and the Last". There is really no way to deny what is being said here by Jesus Himself, yet this too is turned into a product of manipulation by those that do not accept that Jesus is God. One way that they try to accomplish this, is by stating that Jesus was the first of God's creations, which therefore makes the point of His origin at the beginning; however, "The Alpha and Omega" is the part which they avoid speaking about, because what it represents is eternal existence, meaning, that He had no beginning and has no end! The Father and the Son have always coexisted together, and Jesus was not generated from the Father as His Son, but that They have always been together as ONE. What this does to the true meaning of "First and Last, Beginning and the End", is to make these statements take on the meaning 'To have been the source of all creation', or 'The one who brought everything into existence'. Looking back to the word 'Hayah' and the reason that it is the verb that it is, is because it is timeless; unlike a noun, which expresses truth or existence of something, be it a person, place or thing; what this word does is go way beyond existence, expressing eternity, which has no beginning and no end. Again; this is not too hard to comprehend! If Jesus has made such a bold statement of who He is, then there must be something to what He is saying! He is clearly not saying what He is saying at the beginning of Revelations just to make Himself seem important, nor is He trying to establish what His order in creation was; but He was making the point of His eternal existence, plain and simple; much the same as God did when He told Moses who He was, and what to tell the children of Israel. They are One in the Same...

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