Sunday, December 4, 2011

"No Doubt About Him"

"The Same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made." (John 1:2 & 3) I can get very passionate about this subject; mostly because of how I was deceived as a child, and the great revelation that I had at my conversion. I have spent many a day on the front porch arguing with those that peddle The Watchtower Tract Society wares, trying to convince them that they have been deceived, with only a few temporary success stories. There is a spirit that is very much alive in that organization, as well as others, which firmly denies the deity of Jesus Christ; and I truly believe that it is the spirit of the antichrist. John spoke about this same spirit in 1 John 4:3, which at that time had convinced many that Jesus had not come in the flesh, but that He was just a spirit and was not subject to the temptations and desires of mortal men. In this same line of deception, were those that taught that Jesus Christ did not raise from the dead in His body, but had raised up in the spirit only, taking on many different forms, as He moved among those that did not know who He was, or recognize Him. Today, there are those that go as far as to say that Thomas cursed, as he said, "My Lord and my God", after having placed his finger in His nail pierced hand and his hand in His side. After which Jesus responded, "Thomas, because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet believe". It is my opinion that Jesus was addressing two very important issues with His answer to Thomas; the first one being that He had raised in the flesh, the other, more important one being, that He was indeed God! Another, issue that comes from this meeting with Thomas (John 20:24-29), was how Jesus appeared in the room with all the disciples, seeing that the doors were shut. To which, I would like to make a simple observation: that Jesus, being God, the Creator of all things, has control over everything in which He created; the elements, human life, space and time; you name it, and He has shown the ability to control it. Therefore, isn't it safe to say, that since we are molecular in our physical forms, He being in control of all the molecules, could pass through any surface. If He could do that, then would it leave a mark? let's say, like on the cloth that was wrapped around Him in the tomb? Just sayin....

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