Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Love's Response Again"

As I was saying, before I had to go and love on my wife: just as the wife is responding to the love of her husband, so too, the church must respond to the Love of Christ. Now then, reason would have it that if the wife does not respond, then the husband would have cause for concern (to say the least); but the problem here is, we are not talking about reason; because reason by definition means to do what is logical, do you see a problem with that? Well do you? I would say a big fat yes! God's Love is not logical; in fact, His Love flies in the face of logic, because He loved us even when we had no love for Him; even to the point of dying on the cross for us. Hey husbands, are you listening! What was His response to our love? So you say that your wife does not love you anymore, and has even told you that to your face; then what is your response? The world would say that it is over, and that it is time to throw in the towel; God would say, to love her more; and if that does not work, then love her more than that, or any other thing on this earth. When it says in John 3:16, that God gave His only begotten Son, it means that Jesus was the only One of His kind; it also means that Jesus was the Father's best that He had to offer, that we might be saved from our lost and unloving state. So then; have you given your best? If you think you have, and she is still not loving you, think again. Or better yet, give your best to God first, and then watch Him transform your life into a life that can actually Love your wife as Christ loved the church! Have you given your best to God? Have you given Him nothing at all? Have you even loved Him at all? If not, I have some good news for you: God still loves you, and will even respond to that; in fact, He will love you even if you turn your back on Him. And you know what else? His response is open arms; arms that are extended wide for all to see...Only the Best, for even the worst!

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