Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"The Love of God" - 3

By now you probably have lost all interest in these daily rantings, ramblings, or whatever you want to call them; but I am holding on, and promised God I would continue as long as He gave me something to say; even if I did not understand what I was saying; which brings me to the post for today (?). As I was laying next to my wife this morning, I could not help but wonder, what makes her to keep going? What enables her to continue breathing, day in and day out? This life we are given here on this earth, although short compared to eternity, is precious and is a gift from God in and of itself. I do not claim to know much, but God has shown me something that I want to try and explain (if I can). Each and everyone of us are given a life, and this life that we have been given comes from God; I hope you all knew that? Because this life comes from God, it has certain attributes of it's creator; the One who made it and holds it's cells together. One of those attributes is Love, which, although faintly realized, it is there somewhere deep down in the center of our souls. When sin separated man from God, this separation was not a complete 'no more God' separation of man, because man still had the soul he had been given, and the flesh God had formed; what was missing however, was the Spirit of God. This flesh, however temporary it may be, was made by God; fashioned by the hands of an Almighty Creator; that made it to represent Him, in one way or another. The soul, now that is another story; because, from what I believe that God has shown me, the soul which God created in man is something that is very unique; unlike anything which God had made. This soul, when created, was brought into existence by the Breath of God (Gen. 2:7); this Breath of God, known as the Breath of Life, is the Spirit of God; and when this Spirit of God was breathed into man, the soul was born. However, when man sinned, the soul remained, but the Spirit which had given it life was removed; thus leaving man's soul with a yearning to be reunited with the Breath of Life; almost as if the soul could not breath, or take in the air that it needs to be full. But what remains, even though it has been without the Spirit, there is still a part of God, because it is still a part of God and His wondrous creation. Thus, we find 'The Love of God'; somewhere deep down inside; beneath that stony heart, there is a seed of God's Love. Then I have to wonder: Does God speak down to us, or out of us? or both, depending upon the circumstance? "Thou hidest Thy face, they are troubled: Thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust. Thou sendest forth Thy Spirit, they are created: and Thou renewest the face of the earth. The Glory of the Lord shall endure for ever: the Lord shall rejoice in His Works." (Psalm 104:29-31)

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