Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Love's Pure Light" - 5

Just when you thought it was over, Light shines out of the darkness! Never Give Up!!! "For God, who commanded the Light to shine out of the darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (2 Corinthians 4:6) Within this passage from Paul's Letter to Corinth, there are two different forms of light mentioned; one is direct Light of God, while the other is more lighting the way. Both are derived from God, but one is just more direct, and transforms instantly; while the other is more of a sustaining light which keeps us from slipping back into darkness. This is very similar to the difference between 'pure' and 'purifying'; which if you remember, to be made pure was something which was done to us by God through Jesus Christ, while purifying is what God will do in us though our obedient heart. Now, when it comes to the Love of God: there is the Glory of God which has been shined in our hearts, so that we can see what Jesus Christ has done for us; while there is also God's Love, which has done what was needed to transform us into His Light. In other words; there are two different forms of God's Love at work in changing us, yet both have the same source; almost as if one is for changing our heart, and the other for changing our mind. If I had the know how to draw a picture of what I see, I would become very famous, but I don't; however, I do think that I can illustrate it with words, the only problem with that, is that some words mean different things to different people. When a description of something is put into words, there are many different ways to see what is being described, depending on one's own point of view. So; if you see a Big God who has a big giant heart, that loved us so much that He could not bare to see us perish in the darkness, so He commanded the Light to shine into the darkness with the Gift of His Son; while in the same fashion, has made this Light to shine in our hearts, which then softens our hearts in order to see His great Love for us; which then lights up the Truth within us, so that our way is well illuminated; and then, as if that was not enough, He provides us with His Spirit so that not only is our way illuminated, but so are we... (Some of you have a vision of a Transformer, don't you?)

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