Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"Living Love Out" - 2

I almost did not do this today. I just could not get over the pain I felt in my heart by thinking, If I had only loved my wife this much before she was injured, maybe she never would have gotten sick in the first place? Then my mind took off. I am amazed by how much the mind can think up, and by all the places it can travel. This morning I found myself in the Garden of Eden, watching, wondering, looking to see how God expressed His Love to man before the fall. Sometimes there needs to be a reason to show love; a reason that takes us outside of our selves. As I look at my own situation, I can see that the way I express my love to my wife now is far more passionate than I would have been in the past. Don't get me wrong, we had our passionate times, but this is different. This kind of passion that I am talking about, is more of the kind that tries to convince, almost as if I was trying to win her heart. Before she was injured, I had no reason to win her heart, because she was mine already; but maybe that was the problem all along, because she was mine already, I had no reason to go out of my way to express my love to her, to try and win her heart. We just don't know what we have until it's gone...

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