Monday, January 3, 2011

"Living Love Out"

"Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but My Father giveth you the True Bread from heaven. For the Bread of God is He which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world." (John 6:32 & 33) As I went to sleep last night, I thought about another love, about 'Agape' Love, and whether or not I could love my wife with that kind of Love. To really know if that is possible, I must first try to understand what 'Agape' Love really means; easier said than done. In the two verses of God's Love Letter to us that are mentioned above, Jesus is answering those that asked Him for a sign, that they may believe Him; something which they could see, like the manna, which their fathers did eat in the desert. That manna, although special in of it's self, only satisfied the people's hunger for food needed to feed the body; and with the exception of one day out of the week, that manna was only good for one day. Likewise, any sign that Jesus were to have shown them, would only have been of a temporary nature, because it would be, and such is everything that is visible: temporal! The manna from heaven which was given from God to the children of Israel in the desert, is a real good example of 'temporary', and was not a very good sign for those that asked Jesus for a sign which would demonstrate His 'Work' that He was sent for; because the work that He was sent for was eternal. Much the same, is my quest to love my wife in the same way that God Loves us, which I can not actually even begin to fulfill in this temporal body. Okay, maybe I am getting a little dramatic, and trying to express something which is not that hard to conceive; but I don't think so, because the way I see what Jesus is saying, there is really nothing to see. The True Manna from Heaven is God's Love; but before someone can see God's Love, His Love must be manifested into their heart. Why is this? Because God's Love is God's willful direction toward man; and it involves God doing what He knows is best for man and not necessarily what man desires. Man wants his flesh to be satisfied, and to be comforted by the things of this world; which does not consist of the forgiveness of sin. But God wanted to provide man with the forgiveness of sin, which provides man with something that is far greater than this world could ever give: Life!

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