Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Love's Pure Light" - 3

You 'Know' that you are His Child when you can see Him; yes or no? Okay; here is another little question: How does He make His abode in us? I know your thinking the Holy Spirit is the way He does, right? Well your right; but He also will manifest Himself within us by His Love; which, if you were following this blog several days ago, I shared that it is His Love which is the reason for passion to do His Will. This is the power also behind the Holy Spirit, because when we look at the character of Love and that of the Holy Spirit, they are very similar in how they work. So, the real mystery behind how the Holy Spirit works, is not why He does this or that, but when; the why that He does something, is all about Love: to demonstrate the Love of God; which, if you want to get real technical about it: it is to manifest Jesus Christ, in one way or another. The real question for me (and maybe some of you), is when does He work the work's of Christ? As I was reading the verses that I ended with yesterday, I could not help but think of something very, very dear to my heart, which is, why my asking for my wife to be healed has not been answered? Verse 22 says, "Whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him"; so then why have I not received when I have asked? Could it be that I am not doing enough to please Him? You know what; I don't think that God works that way. Call me ignorant, if you will; but I really do not think that God bases answered prayer upon performance. That being said, I do believe that He answers the prayers of His Children; however, the only thing that I have found which Jesus promised the Father would give us was the Holy Spirit. Even though we want healing, work, stability in our marriage, etc, etc; it is the Holy Spirit which has been promised, and sometimes, it is all that we get. But God; who is mighty in Love, and is full of wisdom, knows what we need more than we do; and it is the Holy Spirit which gives us comfort through anything, and who makes even the worst trial something other than a trial, but an experience to know God's Love. Other than that, I really do not see a reason for the when in God's answering of my prayers, but I can begin to understand the why that He does not... "And this is His commandment, That we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as He gave us commandment. And he that keepeth His commandment dwelleth in Him, and He in him. And hereby we know that He abideth in us, by the Spirit which He has given us." (1 John 3:23 & 24)

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