Monday, January 31, 2011

"The God of Love Lives!"

Odd title, if you really think about it; but for someone who has been a Christian for almost thirty years, I must confess that I have seen a lot of stuff that could make one wonder. Our biggest problem in our quest for godliness is ourselves; my biggest problem in my quest to love with the Love of God, is my lack of godliness. That is the way I see it anyways, how about you? As I was thinking about Jeremiah and God's call upon his life, I began to wonder why God really put that portion of Scripture before me; and then it hit me right in the middle of my heart: Perspective is the thing which we really lack! I know it sounds weird, and maybe even sounds like it could be somewhat secular; but our perspective of God, our perspective of others, and our perspective of ourselves, all have got to be in order. Take Jeremiah for example; his perspective about the calling upon his life was way off, so God needed to adjust his perspective. You could even say the same about Isaiah, who while in the presents of God, felt undone and of unclean lips; not worthy to be in the presents of God; which was actually the right perspective. However, God changed his perspective by having one of the seraphim's fly over a put a live coal from the alter upon his mouth, saying, "Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged". Our perspective of who we are in Christ must be kept; we are nothing without Him, and can do nothing of Him without Him living in us. Now comes the part that is hard to speak. If we are going to have the right perspective when it comes to Christ living in us, then we must stop looking to others for their living Christ out, and just focus on Him living in us. We can not see the fullness of what Christ can do in us, while we are looking through the prism of others. Heck, we can not even look to ourselves! We must come to the understanding about the God of Love that is living in us. Living in us means that He is alive in us; which means that He is molding us and shaping us in every area of our life. Therefore, if I lack something in my life which I know I must have, then it is because I have not surrendered completely to His molding and shaping. In other words; I can love, as His Love is perfected in me, as long as I am dependent upon Him perfecting me...

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