Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Love Perfected in Us" - 3

I know that there are some who have tried to see what my point is, and can not yet see the importance of Love in the reason to live out righteousness, but it is there; the problem is just me and my lack of explanation; but then again, maybe it's not. First off; I tried to think of an easy way to explain how God's love towards us, is actually the same love we have one to another, just on a smaller scale. The reason that this is good to know, and can benefit our walk, is that we can know what Love we have been given. As John started the section of Scripture, which we have written as chapter 3, he was instructing us to 'Be a Child of God'; and as a child, we have been given something inherently from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; three separate levels of Love, yet all having the same source. Verse 1, which I shared on several days ago, starts out,"Behold, what manner of Love (Agape) the Father hath bestowed upon us"; which can be taken to mean several different things; all at the same time. The previous chapter, which also speaks about how we are His children, has as it's theme that we know what we should do, and that no one needs to tell us, because we inherently know. After knowing what we know we must do, the next thing, is to take action on what we know; thus the point of 'To Be a Child of God', which requires us to live out the Love which we have been given. Another way to view the opening of verse 1, is to see this declaration as one of appreciation; in other words, to be in awe of the magnitude of Love that God has towards us; this might work for the second part of verse one, but it hits a little speed bump at the end of the same verse. The second part of the verse says, "that we might be called the sons of God"; which could be viewed as the continuation of appreciation in what God has done for us; which is what we must have, and do. But the point I believe that John is making is more in line with the first; which expresses more of the Love which we have been given, more than the way that we are loved. The third part of the verse is what tells me this is so, "therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew Him not"; which in my view, illustrates the inherent quality of God's Love which we have been given, that the world cannot seem to understand. That being said, there is something which brings us into a place (if you can call it that), where we are no longer living for the things which we once loved, but have a new Love inside us, which lives for God. That is why John expressed the things he did in verses 4-8, about those that sin being of the devil, and those that do righteousness being born of God; because it is based upon our inheritance as a child of God! "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for His seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother." (1 John 3:9 & 10)

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