Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Love's Pure Light" - 6

I don't know why, but I just had to do this again. As many of you may know, six is the number of man; which, for the most part represents the day on which man was created. I for one, think that it represents something a little more regal, yet not quite royalty. If the number which is the representation of God is seven, because on the seventh day God's creation was complete and then He rested, then the number six comes pretty close; don't you think? But here is the problem that I see with that line of thought: first off, God created man in His own image, however that is meant to be; but, at the same time He gave man the free will to love, which also came with it, the free will to sin. Secondly, He is Pure Light, and in Him is no darkness at all; man was created from the dust of the ground, and last I checked, the dust did not light much. And then thirdly, but most definitely not lastly, man's life, his love, his very soul is the breath of God; which tells me something very important about man's existence: it is nothing without God!!! That all being said, the most important ingredient of our existence is Love; and not just a love for life, or our love even for each other, but the Love of God that is manifested within us, that makes us love God; which, if you want to get really technical, is the completing ingredient of our creation. This is precisely why God gave man free will to begin with, that man would of his own free will love Him and have fellowship with Him. And then entered sin, which separated man from God, because God is pure Light and does not have fellowship with darkness (sin); and in the process of this separation, man's love for God was replaced by a love for the darkness (yep, you guessed it, sin); and the more man sinned, the more he loved the darkness, and would avoid the Light (Love of God), or for man's sake, the love for God. This is the reason for the sudden burst of Light, which was given by God to man through what Jesus Christ has done on the cross. It is this 'burst of Light' which instantly yanks the fallen man from the darkness and into the Light, which then frees man to once again have the will to love God. Finally; it is this love in man for God, which draws man closer to the Pure Light, and further from the darkness!!! Which is the reason John can make this very bold statement in chapter 1 John 5:3 & 4, "For this is the Love (Agape) of God, that we keep His commandments: and His commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith (firm persuasion)."

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