Saturday, January 8, 2011

"Love In The Flesh" - 3

Would I give my life for my wife? You bet I would! If giving of myself would do the job of healing her, I would do it; I would give her my brain, if that were possible; is it? But you know something that is really strange: if I remember correctly, I would have given myself before for my wife also; at least I think I would have; at least I said I would have. However, there were times, times that I would be so selfish, so unloving, so, all about me, that you would have never been able to tell that I actually cared for her needs or desires. I can honestly say, that for over seven years and four months I have not once raised my voice to my wife. In fact, I kind of miss having arguments with her about the most stupid things; the major things, like life and death, we had those down; but stupid stuff, like how many stars there are (imaginary topic, I could not remember why we would argue?), these stupid things which afflicted my ego, were the things which would spin me out of control. This morning as I was praying I fell back to sleep, thus the late post; but as I was sleeping I saw something which was so strange in a dream, I saw my flesh; I know, you are probably wondering, What's the big deal? But this is different, because what I saw was different; there was something sacrificial about this image that I saw, which was not normal for the way I see my flesh. Usually, I see my flesh as the thing which gets in the way; in the way of my relationship with God, as well as my loving my wife, as well as others; but this time I saw it as an object of Love; a source for which Love is made visible; a vehicle in which Love is to be dispersed. It was then I realized something extraordinary, something which made my wake up and do that V-8 slap in the head; duh, that is why I am here!!! That is why Jesus came in the flesh!!! Because, "without the shedding of blood, there can be no removal of sin"; likewise, without the denial of the flesh there can be no expression of 'Agape' Love; because, 'Agape' Love is giving of one's self for the sake of those that you love (agapao or phileo). This is what those that did not understand Jesus could not see; the bread which He spoke about, which was His flesh, was called bread for the reason for which He came in the flesh; that those that were called could see the sacrifice that was made. Much like those that asked for the sign, looked back to the manna given to their fathers in the desert, as the sign to believe; those before looked to the Christ; those that were present, saw the Christ; and those after, look back to the Christ; which was the Bread from heaven, or God's Love made manifested in the flesh... "Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the Living God." (John 6:67-69)

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