Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Love Perfected in Us" - 2

As I was saying, how can I even begin to purify my wife without first being pure myself? But you might say, how is it my job to purify my wife? or, how can you think that you can be pure? Well, for one, I can be pure, if I want to be; and so can you, because being pure is a matter of choice. Say what? Didn't I say that we would not be perfect until we are in His presence? So then, how can we be pure now? John was making a point about the direction of our lives, not about what state are lives are in; we can not live a sinless life, only Jesus could do that; but what we can do, is to set our affection on Him, and then strive towards His perfection. Then, and only then can I seriously begin to purify my wife; which in case you did not know, means to sanctify her with the washing of water by the Word. My ability to sanctify her with the washing of water by the Word, is seriously tainted if I am not living my life as one who holds the Word to be true; meaning, that if I do not let the Word purify my life, how can I expect it to purify her? (rhetorical question) What does this have to do with Love? Everything!!! Love is what motivated Jesus to be pure, sinless, and do the will of the Father; because He knew what was at stake, His direction was towards the cross, and to get there sinless. But some might say, Well ya, but He was God, and could do no sin. To which I would answer, But He was also a man, that could be tempted. We have to remember something that is very important: Jesus had to be manifested in the form of a man, live a sinless life in that form, and then die a sinless man for the sins of all that sin (everyone). Now, when it comes to me and my desire to purify my wife, Love is the motivating factor that drives me to be pure; because I know that it is only by being pure (moving in the direction of purity) that I can purify her. Again, you might say, How is it your job to purify her? to which I would answer, What part of One did you not understand? "Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous. He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." (1 John 3:7 & 8)

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