Wednesday, May 25, 2016

"Glass Half Full" -Too

"The water saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee; they were afraid: the depths also were troubled." (Psalms 77:16) I know it's odd, but please, this Psalm is about "Comforting Thoughts," and so it must bring us some comfort, even though it might appear a little troubling. Actually, it makes perfect sense, if you stop and think about God being on your side; because He is on our side! I think what God is saying has much to do with the thought from the other day, the thought about trusting in riches. We can never get to the place where we are perfect, not in this life; we are always going to need a filling of the Holy Spirit, because we leak! If you are actually honest with yourself, and with God, then you know this is totally true: we need to be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit. Actually, the only time that we are not all that interested in being filled with the Spirit are the times we feel like walking in our flesh; that's the point I see coming out of this verse, that we need to yield to the Spirit's depth gauge, and let Him fill us up! Just like everything else that is anything to do with gifts from God, there is really nothing that we need to do to make it happen, but yield our life to Him; that's it! No 50 Hail Mary's, or betting ourselves into submission; it's all about letting go and letting God take control of our lives. And, as soon as you are feeling like you have got it all under control, or that you have arrived to the state of perfection, watch out, because you are in for a fall! The comforting thought in that is not that we are going to fall, it's that we do not need to fall, as long as we always remember that the glass is always half full, and that we are never without needing to be filled... "Was it in anger, LORD, that you struck the rivers and parted the sea? Were you displeased with them? No, you were sending your chariots of salvation! You brandished your bow and your quiver of arrows. You split open the earth with flowing rivers. The mountains watched and trembled. Onward swept the ragging waters. The mighty deep cried out, lifting its hands to the LORD. The sun and the moon stood still in the sky as your brilliant arrows flew and your glittering spear flashed." (Habakkuk 3:8-11) NLT

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