Wednesday, May 11, 2016

"Catch and Release" -2

"Will the Lord cast off for ever? And will he be favourable no more?" (Psalms 77:7) It's almost comical, but don't you get the point of the questions? Okay then, do you like the numbers game? How about these numbers? Believe it or not, but these are the numbers for my wife's burial site: 77:7, which is square 77, plot 7. Just breaking the ice! Seriously, the questions are derogatory, if not hypothetical; because God will not and can not go back on His word! In other words, these numbers represent every bit of God being who He is, Faithful and True! Now regarding those points on yesterday's post; if you did not get the point of that closing Scripture, then it was simply that John not only remembered the day that he met Jesus, but he also remembered the hour; which was some forty or maybe even sixty years later! You cannot forget that day! Even if I try, which I don't believe is possible, I cannot forget that day we first communed together; that day we shared our first meal together, and He shared with me real truth. As to the point of "acceptance," it really does not count if you are not fully aware of what you are getting into; and you don't actually realize what you are getting into until He gets into you! There is where the "acceptance" takes place! He changes your life! It just so happens, some lives don't want to be changed; some people will throw away the greatest chance they could ever have, only because they don't want to change. The cares of this world, the oppositions, the discomfort they feel around their friends and family; all things that make change unbearable and cause them to turn away. But, this is really meant to be about "Comforting Thoughts," so here is some comfort for those of you who might relate: God does not change His mind! Do you want back in the game? Then get back in it! If you actually accepted the invitation, then you were changed for dead to life, from not being and child of God to being a child of the KING! And guess what, He does not throw back His children! No way;! You are a Keeper! Once a child always a child, that's the way I see the story unfold; so if there is any sort of "catch and release" going on, it's not God's doing, it's man's! There is some disagreement as to who is giving all for who, and what the 'pearl' and the 'hidden treasure' truly represent. Because, it could represent the "Bride of Christ" or the "Church," and if so, the Jesus is the "Merchantman," don't you know...
"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to but the field. Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovers a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!" (Matthew 13:44-46) NLT

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