Monday, May 30, 2016

"Comfort One Another" -Too

"Thy way is in the sea, thy path in the great waters, for thy footsteps are not known." (Psalms 77:19) Can you see the relationship that is developed in waiting? We find it hard to wait for anyone; always guessing and judging peoples motives and actions: 'What's taking them so long?' we say under our breath, as if they are doing it on purpose, or as if they could care less about how we feel. But God, He does not have a watch to tell what time it is; His clock is progress and readiness, not minutes, hours, days, and years. So yes, we are to be patient and anxious both together, waiting with anticipation around every corner, that this could be the day of His coming; all the while, thankful that He is letting us get prepared for that day; letting us add one more friend or family member to His church. Isn't that what we are to be doing? When you see the parable of the "talents" and the message it contains, it's not about the good and the bad, because the one who buried his talent was not cast out because he did bad, he did not do that which he was expected to do; and he lost that which he had been given and it was given to him who had gained much. In other words, there was a prize for doing what was expected! On the other side of that, there was lose for not doing what was expected; maybe not losing our salvation, but more about losing honor and praise, the kind of honor and praise we might anticipate from being the bride. Go dig up that talent and put it to work! Don't let it stay buried, wrapped up in a napkin; as if that will preserve it, as if that will keep it safe and secure. It is meant to be multiplied by being put to good use; so that each and every day that He might linger, is another day to double your talent, is another day to get in the good and faithful servant standing, not be the wicked and lazy servant. Whether or not it is a salvation issue, I won't make that call, I'll leave that up to the Lord. But it is a matter of doing what a servant is expected to do; after all, isn't servant meant to represent serving? I'm thinking yes...
"After a long time their master returned from his trip and called them together to give and account of how they used his money. The servant to whom he had entrusted five bags of silver came forward with five more and said, 'Master, you gave me five bags of silver to invest, and I have earned five more.' The master was full of praise. 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!'" (Matthew 25:19-21) NLT

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