Saturday, April 25, 2015

"Through God!"

"Through God we shall do valiantly: for He it is that shall tread down our enemies." (Psalms 60:12) Here's a crazy thought I had this morning; you know how sometimes things look so good, and then they seem to just never happen; well, if I could somehow share my mind's emotions on this brief little vision that the Lord gave to me, a vision on the instant end of all life as we know it. If like me, you truly believe that God holds all things together, then try and imagine in an instant, that He stopped; the earth quit spinning, and the distance between us and the sun no longer stayed the same; imagine, if you can, how that realization might make you feel if it were to happen; if it could happen, what if anything could you possibly do? How much courage do you need? How much peace do you really want? How much joy can you handle? Through God, all things are possible! There is nothing that is too difficult for God! And yet, we somehow worry and concern ourselves with the most little issues; things that involve our tiny little lives, we make out to be problems that are blown way out of proportion. If we could only see the things that really matter, maybe our lives would appear to have more purpose, and just maybe, we could actually see what we are worth to God! We are His treasure! No wonder the devil is jealous of us, because God has placed us in such a special place in His heart, and His plans for us are far greater than we could ever imagine. Now then, as for that crazy thought; if you can imagine how you might feel towards that totally uncontrollable situation, now try and imagine the opposite of that, and God's amazing ability to do anything that He wants to do in your life. It's the same amount of effort that you put into the end, that goes into the beginning, because it's not by your strength that things happen, it's by God's...
"But this is what the LORD has told me: "When a strong young lion stands growling over a sheep it has killed, it is not frightened by the shouts and noise of a whole crowd of shepherds. In the same way, the LORD of Heaven's Armies will come down and fight on Mount Zion. The LORD of Heaven's Armies will hover over Jerusalem and protect it like a bird protecting its nest. He will defend and save the city; He will pass over it and rescue it." Though you are such wicked rebels, my people, come and return to the LORD. I know the glorious day that will come when each of you will throw away the gold idols and silver images your sinful hands have made." (Isaiah 31:4-7)   

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