Monday, April 27, 2015

"Confidence in God's Protection"

PSALMS 61 [To the chief Musician upon Neginah, A Psalm of David] Before you get all riled up over yesterday's post, it was me that I was speaking to more than anyone else, so don't take it personal. I am a very hard-headed man, when I get something into my head, I am not going to change my mind without some serious intervention. And yes, this is the title written above Psalms 61 in my Bible; and wouldn't you know it, it seems to flow right off the end of the previous Psalm! We must, without a doubt, have the utmost confidence that the God who loves us, so much that He would be willing to send His only Son in order to be slain for us, is also more than willing to protect us; more than willing is actually an understatement, He is fiercely loyal to His children, and will do whatever it takes to get us through to the very end! It might be hard sometimes to feel protected, especially if we are constantly being beaten up by the forces that surround us; but this is only but a brief moment compared to what awaits us on the other side. Who is in control? It is God that is seated on the throne, not the devil; the devil might have dominion over this fallen world, but this fallen world is still under the throne of God, and God Rules! Pretty soon, I believe that sickness will no longer be our biggest concern, because the church is being more and more restricted to have a voice; what was once something that seemed wrong in the eyes of the world, is now somehow not only right, but it has become something of a special right, something protected. Pretty soon, The King is Coming! Personally, I think that a person who has been given only a few months to live, has been given a gift from God; not that God has given them the disease that they have, but He has allowed it; but if they know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, then they can look forward to being in His presence, and can do so with clean hands! What that means, just in case your mind was on something else, is that those who have been given time to get ready, can actually prepare to get ready, seriously...
"The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God. As the Scriptures say, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent." (1 Corinthians 1:18-19)

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