Sunday, April 19, 2015

"Separated Servants"

"God hath spoken in His holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth." (Psalms 60:6) In this world, filled with awe and wonder, there is plenty of death and destruction; I try to figure out sometimes which has more influence upon my life, the awesomeness of God's creation, or the darkness of the death and destruction; but I guess that is all dependent upon the way you look at things, don't you think? I am convinced that we can find beauty in death, if it is death that has the ability to give life; and I might even consider that there can be beauty in destruction, if that destruction makes way for meaningful restoration; but where in this world do we obtain such as these? If you notice, I have titled this posting "Separated Servants"; which, whether or not it was my idea or His, the basic meaning of the word "separated" implies that it is something that has been made separate outside of it's own capacity; or, if you will, "to keep apart or divide, as by an intervening barrier or space." The general idea of what God is showing us, is that He, in His holiness, has shown us by His word, where the dividing lines are between what is good and what is bad; in other words, His word is the something that divides and sets up the intervening barriers between this or that, what is wrong and what is right, the good and the bad; and more importantly, what is truth and what is false. The second part of the title, "Servants", implies that there is a willingness to serve; and based upon the phrase "I will rejoice", it is also implied that the willingness to serve is with a glad heart; meaning, that the heart is glad to serve in the capacity of being separated. Oh, I know this is going to speak into my heart; I just hope I listen! Where can I find peace in a world that is filled with such chaos? As I thought about that this morning, I was reminded of something that I realized over 33 years ago, that God's word has the answers to all of my concerns, and all of my needs; it is up to me to accept what He says, and to believe that they were written to me. I am sure that is what God requires of us, more than any other thing, that we believe that what He says in His word is written and spoken to us, as His servants. And, if what is said, is intended for me, and I am His servant, then whether I agree with it or not, I am obligated to perform what I have been instructed to do. And, if I am His faithful servant, then I will set out to do what I am instructed in, by rejoicing, even if I may not like it or agree. The big difference that divides my understanding and His, is holiness; as misunderstood as that might sometimes become...
"Seek the LORD while you can find Him. Call on Him now while He is near. Let the wicked change their ways and banish the very thought of doing wrong. Let them turn to the LORD that He may have mercy on them. Yes, turn to our God, for He will forgive generously." (Isaiah 55:6-7) NLT  

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