Sunday, April 26, 2015

"Through God!" -2

"Through God we shall do valiantly: for He it is that shall tread down our enemies." (Psalms 60:12) Listen to God; that's what the Lord is saying: stop pretending to know what He is saying, and listen! You just don't get it: God is that Strong Young Lion! Do you think the devil wanted Jesus nailed upon that cross? Personally, I think that when God revealed His plans to the devil, that is what caused him to revolt; but that's just my weird way of thinking. If you are honestly going to consider your life dead to this world, who do you think is going to assure it is so? I hope that you are not counting on yourself to make it happen; you might have a little courage in you, but not what it takes to shake up your own life in that manner. When you really stop and count the cost, you do not have enough fortitude in you pull it off; it must be God that makes it happen, we just need to surrender our lives over to Him. Think about the picture painted in Isaiah 31:4, because it shows something that I believe is important for us to understand; that God's intentions on our lives, although they might appear sometimes to be cruel and wrong, they must be done, in spite of the shouts that come from those that might care about what we might be going through. God is the one who shall destroy our enemies! Unfortunately for us, we are our own worst enemy! Mount Zion and Jerusalem are one in the same! That said, God is also the one that shall bring forth and protect the new life, like those young birds in the nest from Isaiah 31:5; through God we must be slain and resurrected, but it's not complete until we are glorified in heaven; go figure...
"The Assyrians will be destroyed, but not by the swords of men. The Sword of God will strike them, and they will panic and flee. The strong young Assyrians will be taken away as captives. Even the strongest will quake with terror, and princes will flee when they see your battle flags, says the LORD, whose fire burns in Zion, whose flame blazes from Jerusalem." (Isaiah 31:8-9) NLT

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