Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Unstoppable Victory"

"For they intended evil against Thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform." (Psalms 21:11) No matter how hard they might have tried, no one could change the plan that God had established for His victory against the power of evil, sin, and death. When David is speaking about the fact that they could not perform their mischievous device, even though they imagined it, it was impossible for them to make it happen; this speaks to the great ability that God has to direct His plan in and through every circumstance or situation that is going to present it's self. If you have gone through the Bible at least three or four times, then you should have discovered by now that God does what God wants to do, regardless of what man or the powers of darkness think they are going to make Him do. One of the most spectacular examples of this is how Jesus was manifested, or even came about to be the substitute for our sins upon the cross. It totally amazes me how no matter how hard the devil might have tried to offset the direction of God's plan, God was more than able to bring it about regardless of any circumstance. If you really think about it, the whole manner in which Jesus was put to death would seem as though it was meant to bring shame and dishonor to Jesus; and yet, it was through all of that shame and dishonor that God brought forth the most powerful victory to His unstoppable plan. We really do not have any defense against not receiving God's offer of salvation; it is not possible to come up with any argument that can stand against the total humility that was suffered by the Lord Jesus Christ on that cross; not one little bit of chance for anyone to make their point of not having to say yes to His offer. Really; I am quite serious! No matter how hard you can imagine a defense to come up with, as you will answer God on judgement day, there is nothing that you could come up with that could justify your choice not to receive His great offer of forgiveness; not after what Jesus had to suffer for you, your chance to have a reason to decline has been removed! I just wish that everyone could see this fact, and that they would no longer put off that decision; because time is running out, and very soon, we are either going to be gone or left. Some of us that will be left, will wonder why, and will be faced then with the humiliation of being left behind. You really do not want to discover how victory is won from that perspective...

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