Sunday, November 11, 2012

"Beyond Being Able" -3

"The King shall joy in Thy strength, O LORD; and in Thy salvation how greatly shall He rejoice!" (Psalms 21:1) Forgive my liberty to change the letters that represent the king and he, but the Lord really spoke to my heart about how much many of these verses are representative of Jesus Christ, the KING OF KINGS. If we really want to see how we should mirror our Lord, then the trust that He had in the Father's plan is by far the greatest example of trusting God. As we shall see in the upcoming verses, things are not always what they appear to be; such was the case of Jesus being led to the cross, and then dying there as a symbol of shame and humility, for the common knowledge based upon Scripture was that every man that hung upon a tree was cursed (Galatians 3:13). This is something that shows the absolute power of God in turning that which is the Cursed into that which is the Blessed! For Jesus became a curse for us that were cursed already and were condemned to face an eternity of darkness and separation from God; He became the substitute for us, as one who was cursed, He was condemned by our sins, and in that final moment He faced the darkness and separation from the Father, as He took upon Himself all the sins of the world. What greater example could we ever have of the strength of God in bringing about His perfect plan? None that I can think of. Yet, Jesus was glad in His mission to fulfill the will of the Father, because He knew that the Father's ability to complete all that was to be done was 200% of perfect; in other words, there was no doubting in the Father's ability, because God never fails! That brings me to something that I noticed in the final days of the campaign for the Presidency of these United States, and how Ann Romney keep saying that her husband would not fail, because he never fails. This is something that should only be spoken of God, for it is God alone that never fails; we as men are imperfect and have nothing that can compared to the perfect will of God, let alone be considered as someone who cannot fail. However, if you are familiar with the Mormon teachings, then you might understand why Ann would feel this way about her husband. Another thing that I noticed, especially towards the end when Mitt was certain that he would win, is that he never finished his stump speeches with something that was common for everyone else, and that was by simply saying, "God Bless". Anyhow; just something that I observed and thought was interesting material to share with you; because, God alone can never fail, and He alone is to be exalted!!! Now then; if we look at something Jesus said in the Upper Room as He was preparing to partake of His last supper, He said, "With desire, I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer" (Luke 22:15). The desire that Jesus was speaking of was one of great longing or craving, such as would be attributed to lusting after that which is forbidden; much as is the case in an ungovernable desire, whereby there is a bottled up quench for something that is looked forward to; much as would be the case of a virgin who has saved herself for marriage, yet had long desired for that which she saved herself for. The New Covenant that Jesus was making that night with His disciples, was in fact, the New Covenant that God was making with the world!!! Wow; talk about Beyond Being Able!

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