Saturday, November 24, 2012

"Monumental Victory"

"Thine hand shall find out all Thine enemies: Thy right hand shall find out those that hate Thee." (Psalms 21:8) Hate is a pretty harsh word to use against anyone, for it is the opposite of love; love unites and hate separates. Jesus speaking to a great multitude of people, turned and said, "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple". (Luke 14:26) To truly understand what Jesus meant by this statement, we must realize first and foremost that Jesus was not speaking about hating them which we should be loving, because love is always to take first priority in our hearts for one another. The general meaning is to separate this life from that which is to come, and to categorize that which is most important; primarily, that we should love Jesus Christ more than any living creature, including ourselves; which makes the proper priority something that binds us to the Lord, regardless of circumstance or loss of life. When it comes to God providing victory to those that are His children, He provides to us His Spirit, which He has given to assist us in discerning what we should and should not be doing; provided that we are yielding to what the Spirit says! That same categorizing that Jesus was speaking about when it comes to separating our love for Him from everything else, must be strictly applied when it comes to yielding to the voice of the Holy Spirit, especially when we hear Him speak but we want to do something opposite. Within the verse that we are dealing with today, we have two different 'hands' that are being spoken of; the first hand spoken of is that which is monumental and displays great power and strength, while the second, the right hand, is one that speaks of direction and shows that which is worthy or significant. Both of these while speaking of the 'hand' of God refer to God's Spirit working and doing a work; something which we that are believers in Jesus Christ should be very familiar with, as we experience the Holy Spirit working in us each and every day. However, if we find ourselves in a place where we do not hear God's Spirit speaking to us, or directing us, or assuring us, then we may have offended Him by something we have done or not done based upon His voice. This is where the first 'hand' comes into the picture, because that first 'hand' of God is monumental! Oh, yes! He is Monumental in every way! Say, Lord, have I offended Thee; please forgive me! And then yield yourself to His voice; and watch Him do the work of His right hand...

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