Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"Abundance of Riches"

"His glory is great in Thy salvation: honour and majesty hast Thou laid upon him." (Psalms 21:5) No I do not always stick to the standard way of interpreting the Scriptures, and I have never claimed to be someone who is well instructed in Bible teaching or in expounding upon the meaning of the texts; but that does not stop me from sharing what the Lord puts upon my heart to share! The first thing that we must realize about this verse, is that it can be used to the glory of David, of those that are a child of the King, and of the King Jesus Himself. The key word of this passage of Scripture is the word "salvation", for it is a word that means more than just to be saved, but it also means deliverance, prosperity, safety, welfare, help, and victory. Seeing that this Psalm is themed "Praise for Victory", I thought that looking at what victory looks like in the context of this verse would be in order. For king David, the glory that was great in God's victory, has the combination of many different levels; the most profound level is that of being blessed beyond measure by God's establishment of his house for ever and ever. As we previously saw, this was God's desire for David, therefore, it was something that had not only been established by God, but it was something that would not fail. Now, I know that we may not consider ourselves as saints; Lord knows, I fall short every day of being saintly material; but God has established this for us, as His children, we are all saints! Looking up that which is called 'saints' in the New Testament writings, there is not many different meanings of that word listed in that section of the Bible. The primary meaning of that word, which is the Greek word 'hagios', is that of being holy: "most holy thing" to be exact. Now then; if you stand back and take a really good look at your every day life, would you say that you match that description? Most likely not. But that is the greatness of the victory we have been given in Jesus Christ; because our condition of being holy is not based upon our righteousness, but is based on the righteousness of Jesus; therefore, our saintly position of being that which is a most holy thing is not something that we have placed upon ourselves, neither is it something that we can proclaim for ourselves; but it is only possible to be placed in that position when we are children of the King: King Jesus, that is; for as a child of the King, we have been given every honour that is bestowed upon the King, and we are placed into a role of holiness by inheritance into His kingdom; there is absolutely no other way to become a true saint. As for Jesus, He alone is worthy of all honour and praise; having purchased us with His blood, He not only paid the price for our sins, but has purchased the earth and all that is in it, even those that will not fall under His mighty saving grace, He has purchased, that in the time appointed, every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess, that Jesus Christ is LORD...   

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