Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Unstoppable Judgement"

"Therefore shalt Thou make them turn their back, when Thou shalt make ready Thine arrows upon Thy strings against the face of them." (Psalms 21:12) If ever there was an interesting verse, this is one for the list! Do you ever wonder if God says, Enough is enough! How many times will He tolerate a person who continues to fall into sin, over and over again; always begging forgiveness, yet never really turning completely away from their sinful ways? I do not believe that it is possible for someone to not be forgiven if they truly ask God for forgiveness, because He has said so in His word. However, He also knows a persons heart better than that person knows it himself; and if there is a double-minded person who is asking God for His forgiveness, while at the same time, planning how to make themselves fall again, then they shall not be able to withstand His judgement. James speaks of such a person as "unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8); with the general meaning being that such a person suffers from divided loyalties: on the one hand they wish to maintain a religious confession and they desire to have the presence of God in their life, while on the other hand, they love the ways of the world and prefer to live according to it's morals and ethics. God's judgement is totally and completely unstoppable! I really hope that we all come to understand what that means, because He will judge all sin! That being said; the sins of the world were nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ, and the blood of Jesus covers the sins of all who make Him their Lord; unfortunately, a double-minded person, although they might think they have made Jesus Lord of their life, they have only made Him Lord of certain parts of their life, while keeping other parts active in the things of the world. The Lord requires that we give Him all of our life, even those parts that we think that we are entitled to keep, He requires that we give ALL, or nothing at all; as harsh as that might sound, it pretty much sums up what true repentance really means! Otherwise; a person could be faced with something like what this verse describes, which is that of a hardened heart against God; meaning that a persons heart turns away from God, especially when it comes to doing whatever they desire to do; they pretty much give God the cold shoulder when it comes to those sins which they wish to hold onto. If you notice, is says, "Therefore shalt Thou make them turn their back", which is the result of God's Spirit no longer pressing them to turn away from their sin and to turn towards God; therefore they turn there back away from God, while He readies His arrow of judgement upon the string of their destiny. It is only to late to turn when we are dead; after that, it is time to face judgement! And God's judgement is unstoppable! The final portion of this verse really spoke to my heart this morning, and it has to do with "the face of them", and what I believe God was showing me about those faces turning towards Him. God does not shoot His arrows into a man's back; nor is His judgement something that sneaks up on someone, and then surprises them with something that they did not know; His judgement will be righteous and totally understood, without any misunderstanding by those who see His brilliant and glorious light; just the sight of Him will be enough for them to judge themselves....

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