Friday, November 2, 2012

"The Acknowlegement" -3

"Some trust is chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God."  (Psalms 20:7)  No one or nothing can ever love us like our God loves us!!! So, if we really want to know the power that is not available in chariots, horses, riches, or any other form of idol that man might place between himself and his God, it is the power of His mighty love! First of all, this is a prayer for victory; and as such is the case with every prayer made unto God, it is conditioned upon God's direction and purpose, not our own. If we had the plan and the means to make things happen, then what are we asking God to do? That is the whole point of trusting in the Lord and not leaning upon our own understanding; because the way we understand things is not the same as the way God is thinking or doing things in and around our lives. As soon as we start putting our faith in the things that we see, or the things that we think that we see happening, we get our lives turned upside down, and we find ourselves being discouraged from the events that have taken place. As we saw in verse one, the "name of the LORD" is something that speaks of reputation, as in fame and glory. God's great love for His people has always been His reputation, and is the whole message that is painted throughout the entire Bible. Even when God is punishing His people for not doing as He wants them to do, He does so because of the great love that He has for them and not because of their disobedience to His word. This is really hard for us to wrap our minds around, because it is something that is so foreign to the way our hearts and minds relate to others, especially those that we love. If we have any kind of victory, and yet we fail to acknowledge the lover of our soul, then we have not had any victory at all, and we are worse off then when we started! It is His love that God wants us to grab onto; the thing that makes us feel secure in Him is not the great power that He has over us, or the mighty judgement that will judge all the earth by, but it is His amazing love for us; a love that is not based upon what we do, but upon who He is. That is what He wants us to grab onto and never let go of, because there is nothing more secure than His love... "My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of His correction: for whom the LORD loveth He correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth." (Proverbs 3:11 & 12)

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