Friday, November 16, 2012

"Ornaments of His Grace"

"For Thou preventest him with the blessings of goodness: Thou settest a crown of pure gold on his head." (Psalms 21:3)  If you truly want to see God's greatest gift to man, then we have to look no further than ourselves to see the greatness of His power and glory! Do not misunderstand me, and think that I am talking about in greatness within our self, because we are far from anything like that. But God; He is that which has ordained us to be His ornaments of His grace; to which, He has given everyone that has received His free gift the greatest gift of all, which that we would be pure and spotless ornaments in His presence for ever and ever; not just in His presence, but His, made for His glory, and as jewels that are placed before Him to display the majesty of His wonder working grace. Yea, I know; sometimes I can get so woven up into a particular message, that I tend to end up beating a dead horse; but this is a little different twist to the regular repeated over and over again message about beauty from ashes. The Lord has really spoken a special message into my heart about this "crown of pure gold" that David is speaking about; and oddly enough, it has something to do with the crown of thorns that was placed upon the head of Jesus when He was crucified upon that cross. I know that I have touched upon this before, but this time I feel that I have been touched to share this from a different light; some how, some way, I wish to show something that God has put upon my heart, which is something that encompasses that curse given to Adam, the crown of thorns which was placed upon the head of Jesus, and the crown of pure gold that now sets upon His head! We know the curse, and how God told Adam thorns and thistles would come up from his labor of toiling the ground, and how that labor would be not only a fierce and endless struggle all of his days, but that it would that which he must live to do, until he eventually returned to that same ground that he toiled (Genesis 3:17-19). That crown of thorns that was placed upon the head of Jesus Christ represented Him as the King of the Jews; which was the intent of those soldiers witch placed that crown there, in an attempt to mock Him, saying, "Hail, King of the Jews!" (John 19:1-5). However, that crown of thorns also represented that curse which was placed upon Adam, and subsequently was placed upon all of mankind; which not only involved that which must be toiled to maintain this life, but also that which must have been toiled to have eternal life; and how, no matter how hard we were to toil or work to achieve eternal life, thorns and thistles would be the result of that toiling. But God, having such great love for His people, provided a way that the toil would be no more! Jesus Christ took away all the sin, and in so doing, He took away all reason for us to toil for eternal life; that labor of righteousness which yielding nothing but thorns and thistles, because of the sin in us, was removed! And, do you know what else? That toiling and living to maintain a life here upon this earth has also been lifted, because this earth is no longer a final resting place for our soul; and that ground which once cursed us, produced the thorns that were placed upon the head of Jesus Christ; which He had worn in display of victory over that curse, for ever more. And that crown of thorns which Jesus bore, was replaced with a new crown, and who do you think is represented by that crown He now wares? "Hail, King of the Jews!!!" (Don't forget, we are grafted in!!!)

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