Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Abundance of Blessings"

"For Thou hast made him most blessed for ever: Thou hast made him exceeding glad with Thy countenance." (Psalms 21:6) I have never had a father who was on his deathbed lay hands on me and give me a blessing, but as reading the definition of the word 'blessed' in the verse above, that is the vision that I saw being portrayed. That might not seem like something of great importance to some, but in certain cultures of the world, it is one of the most important things that a man can receive of his father. Picture what is happening when a father prays a blessing upon his son before he is about to die; it is the essence of all that a man could ever inspire to be, being spoken forth by one who hopes only the best for your life, and who shall no longer be there to judge your performance in carrying out what has been spoken for you. If you know what I am talking about, then you can relate to the feeling of freedom that can be produced by such an action occurring to one's life. I can only imagine such a feeling from this earthly point of view; but, I can relate such a feeling to another point of view; one in which we are all given blessings that are eternal, and are not at all supported by earthly wealth or prosperity. It really does not matter what position that you have in this world, because your position in heaven is based upon your relationship with Jesus Christ. What that means in the way we view each other's ministries or the way we see each other being blessed by God, is that the outer appearance of what is happening is not always the true picture of what is happening in a man's heart. Our relationship with Jesus Christ is based upon what is happening within our heart, not upon the actions that we put forth in ministry, or in acting out certain works of serving God; because many there are that shall say, "Did we not do this or that in Your name?" and Jesus will say, "Depart from Me, for I do not know you". This is something again that must be experienced to begin to understand what I am talking about, because before you can understand what it is like to have that relationship, you must have the relationship. Just like, before you can really understand what it feels like to receive your father's final blessing, you must experience that act of being blessed. We are blessed far above and beyond that which we have ever dreamed of being blessed in this world, but it is a blessing that is not based upon those actions by which we live, but upon the relationship that we have been given; the relationship will determine the actions, not the other way around; which is the second part of this verse, and why that we cannot know the real countenance of God without having a real relationship with Him...

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