Friday, November 23, 2012

"A Mustard Seed of Faith"

"For the king trusteth in the LORD, and through the mercy of the Most High he shall not be moved." (Psalms 21:7) Another great aspect to the victory that we have in Jesus Christ, is that He has given us assurance that we have everlasting life in Him, and that no matter what happens to us in this life, as long as we have our trust in Him, we shall be under His mighty protection. If you are familiar with the parables of "the mustard seed", then you should know that the significance of each of the five references is that the mustard seed is a very tiny seed, yet it grows into a plant to such size, that even birds can take rest upon it's branches. The significant thing that we need to understand about that seed, is that it represents our faith in Jesus Christ; as small as our faith might be, in Christ all things are possible through faith in Him. I know, that might not make as much sense as I wanted it to make; but our faith is but a mustard seed compared to what it becomes when we trust in the LORD; for it is all about Jesus Christ, not about us and our abilities, and the sooner we can understand that, the quicker we begin to see Him work miracles in and through our lives. But what is it that makes us be a person of little faith? Simply put; we are focused upon our selves, and not upon the magnificence of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Jesus said, "Because of your unbelief; for verily I say unto you, If you had the faith of a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to a yonder place; and it shall remove: and nothing shall be impossible unto you". (Matthew 17:20) This He said as His disciples had tried to cast a demon out of a boy, and could not, and they asked Jesus why they could not. Faith is a very special thing, and it involves the belief in something; whatever you put your faith into is the measure of your belief. In other words; if your faith is in this place we call earth, and that is what you place your trust in as your god; then the measure of your faith is really not all that substantial, and has issues of stability. But if your faith is in Jesus Christ, then the measure of your belief is unlimited, because He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End; the actual Creator of this thing that we call earth, and the heavens also; so there is no limit to the belief that we have in Jesus, because there is no limit to what He can do, or what can be done through Him. Our biggest problem as believers in Christ, is that we make everything based upon ourselves; as if to say, I am not worthy to be used in this manner or in that manner, because I am so inadequate and unfaithful. It is not about us! It is about the power and the majesty of Jesus Christ, and what He can do! God's great mercy has enabled us to walk in victory, and to not depend upon our own righteousness for being counted worthy; we are counted worthy because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ, and He alone has made us worthy to call upon His name and to put our faith in Him...He does not fail...EVER!

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