Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Unstoppable Victory" -2

"For they intended evil against Thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform." (Psalms 21:11) We have an enemy, and his name is Satan: he means to destroy our trust and our love for God; he is no joke, as much as many people try and write him off as some sort of devilish force that is within each of us. However; as crafty and as determined as he might be, there is nothing that he can do against the power of God, because just as everything else, he is a creation and is subject to the power of the Creator. Therefore; there is something that the Lord spoke into my heart this morning about what makes us have an unstoppable victory against the devil and his limited power, and it has to do with our love for God! Yes, I am talking about our love for God. We know that He loves us; that He has proven; but when it comes to our love for Him, this is the thing that the devil loves to play with, by diverting our love to other things, by causing us to doubt ourselves with discouragement, and by making us doubt God's intentions for us. Once we have any of these things working upon our heart and mind, we are putty in the hands of the devil; by which, he can cause us to walk in ways that are going to lead away from victory. Jesus placed a great deal of focus on the fact that we must love God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. The reason that He did so, was because the power that we have over the devil and sin is predicated upon the love that we have for God. Yes, God does give us a helper in the form of His Spirit; but the Holy Spirit will not force us to do anything, nor will He intimidate us with things that might cause us to become holy. Our obedience to God is predicated upon our love for Him; the more that we love Him, the more that we obey His commands for our lives; it is really that simple! Our unstoppable victory is something that has as much to do with how much we love God as it does in trusting in His power to be victorious! That might sound a little bit like we have some responsibility in what happens to us after we get saved, and prior to being taken home to be with the Lord; if it does, then I made my point! Sin is something that separates us from God; it always has, and it always will, because God cannot associate Himself with sin; sin represents darkness, and God is light, within Whom there is no darkness at all! Therefore, if we wish to have an unstoppable victory, then sin must not have a place in our lives! God has given us victory already, we just need to walk in that victory and everything will be just as He has planned it to be; but when we walk outside of that victory, we place ourselves in an area that comes dangerously close to the damnation of the devil; to which there is no victory to look forward to! Here is a little something that God showed me this morning: If we think that we can walk in sin, and that we can still somehow walk in victory, then our faith is a joke, and the devil has fooled us into loving something else more than we love God! If we love God so much that we cannot stand to be associated with sin, and we are quick to ask His forgiveness when we do sin, then we do have an unstoppable victory...

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